Wednesday 8 December 2021

How can you win your child custody?

Divorces go a bit hard on the child. There is no fault of the child and parents separate. The child doesn’t want to, but it has to stay permanently with any one of the parents – either the mother or the father. Depending upon a lot of factors, the court will decide to give the custody of the child to any one of the parents. Most of the time, both the parents will file for full custody during this custody battle. If you are also struggling with divorce and child custody in Richmond, this blog will come handy to you. 

Let us tell you that full custody differs from joint custody in a way that full custody will grant all the legal and physical custody to one parent as opposed to both the parents. Before you decide to pursue such full custody for your child, understand your motives first. 

· Do you want to punish your partner by having such custody? Or

· Do you really think that they are unfit to share custody of your child? 

You must not avoid interacting with another partner as it isn’t an appropriate way to seek full custody. 

We have already mentioned that full custody means sole custody. In such a custody arrangement, one parent is the custodial parent, and the other is generally granted generous visitation rights as ordered by the court. A court will generally agree to grant the non-custodial parent visitation rights unless visitation does not serve the best interests of the child. 

Factors considered while granting a full-custody of your child: 

1. Interests of the child

The court will usually determine that it is in the best interest of the child that parents share a joint custody. In case you want full custody of your child, you should be prepared to state clear reasons why joint custody would not serve in the best interests of the child. 

2. Courtroom demeanor

A judge will observe your demeanor in court to determine if you are fit or unfit to raise a child. For instance, if you want to win full-custody of your child, try to maintain the court etiquettes, stop interrupting the proceeding and try to be as calm as possible. 

3. Courtroom dress

The way you dress up for the court trial will also decide if you are able to take up the custody of your child. You must avoid casual clothing and try to dress yourselves in formal attire. 

Divorce and child custody in Richmond is what we have been dealing with such a long time. If you and your partner are also looking for a Personal Injury Attorney, you can get in touch with us. We would be glad to assist you. 

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